Bayside Playhouse and Occasional Care's Philosophy was created by educators, families and children who attend Bayside Playhouse and Occasional Care (Playhouse).
At Playhouse, our core value is respectful relationships between children, families, carers and educators. Wewant everyone to feel a strong connection to Playhouse. We support and partner with families so that we cancreate the most positive environment for children to flourish. Parents, carers and community members areencouraged to participate wherever possible. We have an open-door policy where parents and carers are invitedto come in anytime and this creates a community spirit.
At the heart of Playhouse are the wonderful educators who nurture the children and love what they do. We are committed to creating an inviting and friendly environment where the children can be themselves and thrive. Our outdoor play space has been developed to provide a natural learning environment that invites open ended interactions, spontaneity, exploration, discovery, and a connection with nature. We believe young children represent the future generations, which makes it important for us, as educators, to help the children realise the significance of caring for and protecting their environment. We believe in promoting sustainable practices in everyday learning. Educators, children, parents and carers work together to show respect, care and appreciation for the natural environment and the Traditional Owners of the land that we gather on.
Together, we aim to provide a personal, stimulating, happy and family orientated atmosphere where children feelsafe and secure. Playhouse educators nurture curiosity, independence, and playfulness, which encourages thechildren to express their ideas. We embrace children to explore and play through fun-based activities. Werecognise that each child is unique and grows and develops at their own pace. We give children the power toexplore their unique path in learning. We build on the individual interests of each child, incorporating their views into a child centred approach to learning.
We maintain the dignity and rights of each child and give each child positive guidance and encouragement. Werespect and value cultures, diversity, inclusion, equity and the abilities of each child. We are advocates for children and have a strong commitment to child safety and establishing and maintaining a child safe environment.Our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy embeds a culture of safety within our service to minimise the risk of childabuse or harm to children whilst promoting children’s sense of security and belonging.